
1. Identify the Unforced Errors

2. Bring Predictable L.U.C.K.

3. Know Your Strategy & Plays

4. Precise Tools & Execution

5. Rules based tactical trades

6. Evolve & adapt to change

About You

You may be still saving for eventual retirement, or you’re already there. 

At some point you’ll ask yourself a question. Will my money last ? 

So who do you talk to about rates of withdrawal and your life expectancy? 

Are you Retirement Ready or maybe not? Get a Zoom Demo. We will walk you through it. 

About Me

PensionizeMe Wealth Services (PMWS) conducts its advisory business on the independent platform of Designed Securities Ltd. 

Ray Dragunas, PMWS Portfolio Manager,  is financial industry veteran with over 25 years of experience working with high net worth Canadian investors.


Retirement may be something you planning for. Or you may already be there. In both cases, you need to know if your money will last for your life expectancy. In other words, are you Ready?

Or Not ?

Being RRON means you can answer the following questions easily:

  • What rate of return you need on your investments?
  • How much do you need to save?
  • At what age can I retire comfortably?
  • Will I have to reduce my retirement lifestyle?

PensionizeMe Wealth Services answers questions, then puts a strategy in place to get as close as possible to your goals, while minimizing taxes & cutting cost.

our methods

About Simply5 Money Method.
It actually is simple. We are not
showing up at the office to get compensated for complicating things. This is what we will do.


  1. Eliminate  wealth transfers.
  2. Take control of your assets.
  3. Personal economic strategy.
  4. Trades execution set up.
  5. Monitor & adapt on the go.

“It is not the Strongest of the Species that Survives, nor the Most Intelligent, but the One Most  responsive to Change.”

– Charles Darwin.

top ten model

PensionizeMe Wealth Services (PMWS) seeks to minimize costs when managing client portfolios. Keeping an eye on cost, like in any business, means more money working for you and your future.

A few people have asked how can your fees be so competitive? The answer is simple. PMWS leverages technology and as result we can pass along the savings to our clients. PMWS uses leading edge professional screening tools that minimize the time required to find opportunity and then decide whether to act.

PMWS helps meet client needs using Closed End Funds (CEFs) Top 10 Yield & Discount Strategy and top Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) to develop & deliver consistent, tax efficient income stream. In essence, we build customized DIY Pensions.

Watch the video. Earn & Learn More.

applying the method in 5 steps

1. COSTs.

There are 5 areas where wealth transfers occur:

  1. How you finance your home purchase.
  2. Taxes. Don’t pay more than you should.
  3. Using Retirement plans effectively.
  4. Savings for Education.
  5. Paying for Major Capital Purchases


There are saving that can easily be identified in each of the 5 areas. Those saving can then be put to work for the future.

2. L.U.C.K.

To stress how important it is to be able to access your money, PMWS like to use the acronym LUCK.

Liquidity – knowing you can access your money easily.

Use – Accessing your money is for your use and not subject to outside opinion.

Compounding – Having your money compound for your future use in a tax efficient manner.

Knowledge – knowing that your money is working for you and your future and no one else’s.

3. strategy.

After identifying your unique issues and goals, present a strategy that focuses on generating tax efficient income with an eye on rules-based risk management. 

Two main objectives are to earning income and preserve capital while keeping the most after tax money you legally can. 

Most people play to win. Some people know that the there is a shortcut to victory. You have to identify and avoid the costliest errors. The Unforced ones. Don’t make them. Refuse to lose.

4. ExecutiON.

After we present the strategy, it will be put into action across your household accounts, scaled in over an agreed upon time frame. Any areas where wealth transfers are occurring will also be addressed at this stage and a strategy put in place to save those dollars and get them working for you.

Our strategy requires precision and a mini trade desk to work. In Allindex CMP we have a digital tool box, a Swiss army knife for fast, efficient execution of index rebalancing trades. 

Please visit our trusted and verified Partners websites. 

Find out more. 


Unfortunately, many changes to portfolios tend to be made on an emotional level. This is understandable, after all you worked hard to save and invest, and you don’t want to lose.

PWMS removes the emotion by using a rules-based approach to invest for parts of our portfolios. We work hard to choose investments that even if they drop in value temporarily, should continue to comfortably pay out an income stream to our clients.

Market conditions can change almost daily. PMWS are not day traders. We are sensitive to changes in market sentiment. If we feel that there is a need to make changes to the portfolio we will.

DIY Pensions ABC and CEF Income Index Method 101

Partners’ Services are Offered 

by Business Entities Separate 

& Distinct From PensionizeMe.